Random Walker

《随机漫步者-墨》是一部交互装置作品。这也是刘唱数字肖像系列“闪烁的存在”作品系列的一部分。 在这部交互装置中,当参与者进入空间,屏幕前的摄像头将捕捉到她/实时出现。 屏幕上显示的是一幅抽象肖像在这幅动态数字“油画”中,观众被流畅地描绘出来,彩色画笔几乎从画布上流出。 这个安装是由艺术家在Processing中编写的定制软件,使用
一种称为“随机漫步”的算法。 肖像画长期以来一直是一个非常重要的绘画流派,艺术家们不断表现出极大的热情。这部就像画家与机器一起工作,算法充当“画家的画笔”并使用数字笔触创建抽象肖像。 在制作传统肖像时,通常会要求拍摄者保持静止,这样在绘画的过程中就保持被动。观者可以看到自己的肖像逐渐出现在屏幕上,或者移动周围中断该过程。 时间是创意的另一个因素过程。 当观众离开装置时,他/她留下的痕迹在屏幕上的内容变得模糊,很快就会被下一个观看者取代。 整体短暂的过程是艺术家试图传达的,她描述了“时间的纹理”。 正如刘唱所说:“时光流逝,没有留下任何痕迹,但艺术作品却捕捉到了闪烁的存在
不知不觉。” Random Walker-Dripping is a screen-based interactive installation, part of Liu Chang’s computational portraiture series, “Flickering Existence.” In the project's runtime, when a participant enters the space, the camera in front of the screen will capture her/his appearance in real-time. While on the screen, an abstract portrait of the viewer is depicted fluidly in this dynamic digital "oil painting," where the colorful brushes almost flow out of the canvas. This installation is operated by custom software programmed by artist Liu Chang in Processing, using an algorithm called Random Walker. Portraiture has long been a very important genre in painting; artists have continually demonstrated great passion for self-portraits and portraits of others. Random Walker - Dripping is like a painter who works with the machine, with the algorithm serving as the “painter’s brush” and using digital brushstrokes to create an abstract portrait. In the making of a traditional portrait, sitters are typically asked to be still, in this way remaining passive for the process of painting. However, in Random Walker-Dripping, audiences become co-creators of the portraits. They can see their portraits gradually emerge on the screen, or move around to interrupt the process. Time is another factor in the creative process. When the viewer leaves the installation, the marks that he/she leaves on the screen become blurry, soon to be replaced by the next viewer. The whole ephemeral process is what the artist is trying to convey, and she describes it as "the texture of time". As Liu Chang says: “The passage of time leaves no mark, but works of art capture the flickering existence unconsciously.”